PAYBILL: 151987
Britam Insurance

Britam Insurance

British American (BRITAM) is a leading financial services provider in Kenya, publicly listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) on stock ticker BRIT. It has operations in over five countries including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Mozambique and Malawi.

In Kenya, BRITAM is widely known for its life insurance business, being the leader in premiums in the industry. In 2015, it eclipsed Jubilee Insurance, to lead the life insurance business at 18% of the market share. It has some of the most popular products, the BRITAM insurance education policy, the Elimu Bora Education policy which offers a mix of savings, investment and protection. It also provides child hospitalization benefit, disability benefit, and accidental indemnity benefit.

In Mid 2014, BRITAM acquired Real Insurance Kenya, giving it entrance into the general insurance market. BRITAM offers general insurance products like motor insurance, domestic, travel, personal accident insurance , SME and Corporate insurance.

BRITAM is also a powerhouse in the asset management business in Kenya. It offers a wide variety of personal retail and corporate for both local and diaspora investors. It also has a strong hold in the property market in major urban cities, BRITAM tower in Nairobi being the most popular.

BRITAM Insurance Kenya also introduced one of the most popular medical covers in Kenya, the Linda Jamii medical cover. It was a cover that was targeted at the low end market in partnership with Changamka and Safaricom. The scheme was unsuccessful and consequently was stopped in October 2015. The NHIF has come in to cover some of the medical needs of the general Kenyan population, allowing members to contribute as low as KSh 500 per month to cover a member and his/her spouse and children.
BRITAM Insurance is served by a strong field of life insurance agents countrywide in Kenya, it also a wide branch network in and outside Nairobi. Below are some of the key branch contacts and address.


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Head Office Mara/Ragati Road Junction, Upperhill, Nairobi

Mara/Ragati Road Junction, Upperhill

(254)703094000, (020)2833000

Britam General Insurance
Elgon Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi.
Tel: (254)0703 094000, (02)2833000
Britam MicroInsurance
5th floor Junction of Kenyatta Avenue & Koinange Street
Tel: (020) 2218533/4, (020) 2218533/4
Nairobi 1
Ambank House Utalii lane, off University Way, Nairobi
Tel: (254) 703 094 001, (020) 2833001
Nairobi 4
Timau Plaza Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
Tel: (254)703 094 004, (020)2833004



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